613.231-6308          Ottawa’s oldest Search Engine Optimization (SEO) firm

Frequently Asked Questions

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Search Engine Optimization and Web Marketing

Whether you are learning how to do Web Marketing and Search Engine Optimization on your own, thinking of hiring an SEO consultant, or planning on outsourcing your SEO needs, questions and answers below are meant to help you make informed decisions.

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Usually, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is understood as a set of techniques applied to a website to improve its ranking and positioning with search engines, with the goal of helping visitors or potential buyers find the website through a keyword search on search engines (see also Web definitions of SEO).

In our approach to SEO, we assume that the ultimate goal of a site optimization project is to increase the number of visitors who fill out your order or registration forms. In other words, we understand SEO as a set of techniques that help you attract customers through your website and generate sales. We believe that SEO is not merely a strategy for enhancing your web presence and driving traffic to your website. SEO is a means for transforming your website into a powerful yet cost-effective vehicle for generating considerable and sustainable revenue.

As it is typically described, a site optimization usually involves design and layout changes, new text for the TITLE tags,  METATAGS, ALT- attributes, headings, creation of new links, and most importantly creation of new copy (text) as well as modifications to the existing one.

Additionally, it is also typical to supplement "organic" site optimization with Paid-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns, such asGoogle's AdWords, for example. Both organic SEO and keyword-purchasing campaigns aim at ensuring that users who are looking for your type of products and services can find you through a keyword search on Google and othersearch engines.

But what happens after your users have found your site? Do they stay and read on or do they leave it quickly? Do they visit multiple pages and review your company profile? Do they express interest in your white papers or other available documentation? Do they send you their feedback? And above all, do they register on your site to purchase your products or services? All these questions, although seemingly disconnected from the actual optimization of a site, in fact, form the most important part of the SEO project.

To generate or increase revenue through your website, you cannot merely aim at positioning your site high on search engines and driving traffic to it. You need to identify factors that form users' impressions, create their motivations and influence their decisions to register on your website and purchase your products or services. You need to approach these "intangible" factors as the main building principles of both your web design and SEO projects. 

What are the basic elements of an SEO project?

The search engine optimization (SEO) of a site is not complicated, but it does imply certain skills and it does take time. Before you begin working on your site, it is important to know what is involved in a full-scale SEO project.

Below is a 10-step SEO project summary that we hope you will find useful. Please note that the first step is for the most part relevant to new businesses, but established companies should also double-check whether they are listed in the right category in dmoz.org (Google uses dmoz for its database resource):

  1. Define (or verify) your business category and outline potential keywords

  2. Conduct rigorous competitive analysis

  3. Settle on your main keywords and key phrases

  4. Create a clever navigation structure: modular and scalable

  5. Create a large and highly specialized website (add pages)

  6. Optimize each page on your website individually

  7. Optimize code if using Flash, AJAX

  8. Create as many relevant links as you can

  9. Add content to your website regularly (white papers, demos)

  10. Follow industry news and monitor changes (every 3 months) 

When is the best time for an SEO project?

If you plan on starting an SEO project, it is best to co-ordinate it with a website re-design project. If your website has recently been updated, but you plan on starting an SEO project now, you need to be prepared for SOME changes. 

What do I need to know before doing my own SEO?

Before you start the search engine optimization (SEO) of your website, there are a few important factors that you need to know. These factors are the following:

  1. The amount of work required to successfully optimize your site depends on the type of business you compete in. For highly competitive areas, the process can be time consuming, because you will need to create a lot of copy (text). Depending on the market value of your keywords, the time required to optimize your website can range from one week to several months or even longer.

Below are some relations we noticed while conducting competitive analysis for various clients. Depending on the market value of your keywords (i.e. number of search results returned for a particular keyword query), your site should have the following amount ofkeyword-rich copy in it:

  • 2 million results – at least 50 pages

  • 2 – 4 million results – 50-100 pages

  • 4 – 6 million results – 100-150 pages

  • 6 – 8 million results – 200 pages

  • 8+ million results – 500+ pages

It is difficult to say how many links you need to create, because the more links you have pointing to other websites from your own site and especially links pointing back at your website, the better it is for your search engine ranking. As a rule of thumb, have at least 10 links per page, but make sure that these links are highly relevant to the page content. Irrelevant links (and content) may dilute your "specialization and expertise" and might even lower your SEO ranking, although this point remains to be questionable.

  • Once your copy and link creation and search engine optimization (SEO) work is complete, the results may not become apparent for another few weeks. At such time, it is important to start implementing marketing programs to help increase your visibility on the Internet (e.g. Google's AdWords, Yahoo Marketing, etc.). All these programs are quite intuitive and easy to use, but it will still take some time to become familiar with them and learn how to use them to your best advantage.

  • If you already have a website, you need to be prepared to make changes to it. In some cases, these changes can be small while in other cases, they can be quite significant. What needs to be changed and/or added will depend on how ambitious your SEO objectives are and how aggressively you decide to pursue them. In some cases, it is necessary to re-structure the navigation structure, i.e. rearrange folder and file hierarchy in order to ensure better SEO results.

  • You need to be prepared to post as much documentation related to your business as possible, i.e. how-to guides, newsletters, white papers, technology overview, product description, PowerPoint presentations, demos, etc. This will ensure that search engines rank your site highly for "relevancy" and "expertise". Note that it is important NOT to provide unrelated materials and to have keyword-rich copy on all your documents; otherwise, your content may not be ranked as "relevant".

  • You need to have the cooperation of other members of your team or, in the case of a larger company, other teams or even departments, to help ensure smooth project development and fast results. When it comes to websites and especially website copywriting, everyone thinks they are an expert.  To achieve successful SEO results, you would need to keep your management and your peers convinced that there are good reasons behind your decisions and that you know what you are doing. So if you are NOT the decision maker, but you are the only one who has researched the topic and understands why certain things are required for successful SEO results and how to go about completing them, then you may feel frustrated when trying to implement proper SEO principles, because you will most likely encounter management and peer resistance.

    One very effective way to avoid this type of turbulence is to hire a search engine optimization (SEO) consultant to do the job. It is very rare when someone appreciates quality of information or service coming their way if they did not have to pay for it.

  1. And finally, before you start your SEO project, make sure you get a preliminary understanding of what your competitors are doing for their Web Marketing and SEO. Once you have completed a preliminary review of your competitors' SEO, you can begin creating your own plan.

How do I evaluate an SEO consultant?

If you decide to seek additional help with your optimization project, remember that your website is your company's face. It is the first thing people see. The look and feel of your website has a direct affect on users' opinions not only about your management but also about your products. By associating impressions received from your website, users form opinions about your products and services before they even get a chance to see them. In fact, many users often even judge your products and services by the way your website looks and by the quality of content it exhibits. 

An SEO consultant optimizing your site becomes an "silent spokesman" for your company, a person whose education, knowledge, skills, and even personality would be manifested through your website, influencing users' decisions and affecting your company's revenue.

If you are thinking of hiring a consultant to help you with your SEO project, it is wise to ask and receive answers to the following questions:

    1. How many industries has an SEO consultant been exposed to in the last three years? Ask for specific examples.

    1. How many web sites did an SEO consultant work on in the last three years? Ask to provide customer references.

    2. Does an SEO consultant have first-hand web design and development experience as well as user-interface development experience? Ask to provide samples.

    3. Does an SEO consultant have a University degree, preferably in Linguistics?

    4. Does an SEO consultant own an SEO-related website, so that you can evaluate their writing and marketing skills?

    5. Does an SEO consultant have previous hands-on Sales experience?

    6. Does an SEO consultant have first-hand knowledge of customer relationship management (CRM) software,such as Salesforce.com or NetSuit, for example?

  1. Can an SEO consultant explain, in a matter of 10-15 minutes, what is involved in a typical SEO project?

  2. Does an SEO consultant insist that an SEO project is a lengthy endeavor that requires ongoing investment? Note that even a large SEO project, having been successfully implemented once, requires very little maintenance in the future.

  3. Does an SEO consultant want you to believe thatmonitoring keyword-purchasing programs, such asGoogle's AdWords , for example, is a difficult and time-consuming task? 

Answers to these questions would assist you in evaluating the scope and depth of your consultant's knowledge and help you arrive at an informed hiring decision.

What can be outsourced to an SEO consultant?

Once you learn what is involved in a successful SEO project, you will quickly realize that you cannot outsource your SEO project 100% and that your SEO consultant will be working with you and your team very closely in the course of the optimization project.

The question is what is best to outsource to an SEO consultant and what is best to do in house?

Based on our experience, we find that it is best to get your SEO consultant to do the following for you:

  1. Explain to you and your team what is involved in an SEO project (in the form of a presentation or a short workshop). You can't manage well what you don't understand.

  2. Conduct a critique and review of your existing website and record all pluses and minuses (it is best to have an outsider do this for you; otherwise, it is very easy NOT to find flaws and problems with your website, thus falling prey to what can end up being an expensive self-complacency).

  3. Conduct a competitive analysis and produce a detailed report. Time and time again we see how companies dive into a lengthy and expensive website re-design and optimization project without conducting proper competitive analysis. To out-do your competition while remaining cost-effective, you need to spend 3-5 hours on each of your main competitors. Make sure to check the following:

    • Website size (number of HTML pages and supplementary materials, such as white papers, demos, help manuals, product sheets in pdf, etc.)

    • Look-and-feel and user-friendliness of their website and whether or not it is appropriate for their business

    • Current ranking on search engines (use this free tool)

    • Ads on Google and other search engines

    • Incoming links (use these free tools)

    • Outgoing links (use these free tools)

    • Keywords and META tags (use this free tool)

    • Whether or not their website copy is keyword-rich?

    • Do they conduct lead registration through their website? What kind of questions do they ask in their registration form?

    • Do they offer free web seminars and if yes, what service they use?

    • Do they issue newsletters?

    • Quality of their white papers and related documents

    • Management team and their background

    • Financial reports or VC reviews

    • Other questions that will help you better understand your competition 

  4. Page-by-page optimization of your existing pages for specific keywords

  5. Optimization of your Title tags and META tags as well as image ALT tags

  6. Creation of internal links along with a Site Map

  7. Creation of supplementary web content to boost your rating and create outgoing links (creating 'Resources' section for your users, for example).

  8. Directory listings to create incoming or "back" links

  9. Enrolment in Google's AdWords campaign and other keyword purchasing programs

  10. If you are in a general consumer business, your SEO consultant can be your SEO copywriter as well, but keep in mind that this part of the service is usually more expensive.

Depending on how experienced your SEO consultant is, in some cases, you can hire them for a few months to do a rewamp of your site and optimize it for all of your desired keywords.

Can web development firms look after my SEO project?

With the exception of savvy technology companies, most businesses believe that web design and development firms can ensure successful search engine optimization (SEO) results as part of their design services. Is this an erroneous believe? And if yes, does it also mean that web design firms intentionally misrepresent their capabilities?

In our view, the best answer to this question can only be given in relative terms. Yes, this believe is erroneous by at least 90%, but no, web development firms do not intentionally misrepresent themselves. Web development firms also believe that they provide SEO services as part of their web design packages. But in fact, only very few of them actually do.

Back in mid 1990s, when search engines were young and not so clever, and the SEO field was just being born, web development firms did, in fact, provide professional search engine optimization (SEO) services. But at that time the SEO services for the most part consisted of certain coding and tagging tweaks. The SEO rules were few and they were confined to the realm of basic HTML programming.

In the last 5 years, however, the search engine optimization (SEO) situation has changed significantly. Search engines have evolved to become smarter and more effective; their algorithms and site evaluation matrix have become so effective that they are now just a few steps away from matching natural human perception.

In other words, nowadays the way search engines "perceive" and "evaluate" websites is not much different from the way human users do it. Search engines now focus on the same things human users do. And what do users focus on? What do they look for?

Users look for quality information that provides answers to their specific questions and needs. They highly appreciate "specialized" sites with a lot of clearly written and to-the-point information. They may not read more than a couple of pages at a time, but they certainly want to have all the wealth of information available to them. They particularly appreciate it when a site provides relevant references and links to other sites also devoted to the same subject matter, because it makes their research so much easier. Users love when information is well structured and copy is well written so that it is easy to glance through and sort out what may or may not apply to their query. They love to see free downloads and other additional documents, because all this provides more useful information and also speaks in favour of the site's expertise.

When users find sites that exhibit all these signs of "quality", they bookmark them so that to come back later, when their need to know more becomes more pressing or when they decide to purchase a specific product. Naturally, users love sites with simple easy-to-follow navigation and pleasing non-intrusive graphics.

Moreover, users often form opinions about specific products and services before they even get a chance to see them. In fact, they often judge products and services by the way the hosting website looks and by the quality of content it exhibits. In the end, it is the quality and appropriateness of content that influences users' decisions most and foremost.

Not surprisingly, the quality of your site copy and the level of your "expertise" are the two most important factors for search engines as well. When determining the ranking of a site, search engines mainly "look" at two things: 1) relevance and quantity of the links connected with this site, and 2) quality of the site copy and associated documents.

Having said all this, I can now answer the question of why it is erroneous to believe that web development firms can ensure successful SEO results. When web development firms build websites, it is exceptionally rare for them to also write the site copy, let alone provide associated documentation, such as white papers, product briefs, how-to guides, newsletters, etc.And it is your site copy along with associated documents and links (i.e. your site content) that influence your SEO ranking first and foremost.

To get the most for your money, make sure to ask your web development firm to introduce you to and then let you speak with a person who does SEO copywriting for them (often a freelancer).

Can I get customized SEO training from you?

Yes, we provide live on-demand SEO webinars. Our search engine optimization webinars are conducted via WebEx and can accept up to 10 participants. As a rule between 5 and 8 people attend. A small-group setting allows for a very comfortable and relaxed atmosphere, where all of your questions get answered and no gray areas are left untouched.

The following topics are covered in the course of approximately 2 hours:

  • Rigorous methodology on how to select the most appropriate keywords for your business

  • Step-by-step instructions on how to conduct proper competitive analysis quickly and effectively and how to outdo even your most aggressive competitors

  • Personal advice on how to maximize your investment in advertising campaigns of major search engines (Google’s AdWords and AdSense, for example), i.e. how to get more for less

  • Q&A session with real-life examples to help you apply the studied material to your particular business objectives, with practical guidance and improvement recommendations

  • Carefully researched, time-tested and customer-approved SEO guide, accompanied by a set of supporting materials (SEO glossary, references, and useful links).

Register for one of our SEO webinars or request a customized webinar by filling out our registration form. Call us at (613) 231-6308 for more details.

Useful Ottawa SEO, Social Media, Web Marketing Tools(pdf)

Our Joomla Website Design

Joomla Website Design from Ottawa

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Website Design for SEO

It is very rare nowadays to build a website from scratch. Most professional website design firms use pre-made templates which they then re-work and enhance according to their clients' needs. The end result is presented to clients as custom design. It is possible to take this approach one step further.

We invite our clients to have a say in the process of selecting the base template. Using highly reputable and professional ready-made web templates, we source, present and discuss a number of potential versions with you and then select the most appropriate one, most suited to the needs of your project.

We then customize the look and feel of the site by changing the site's color scheme, navigation structure, styles and fonts, and other visual elements - to simulate or create the desired brand.

We then install and configure into the website pre-made modules and components to enable various required functionalities (e.g. a registration form, e-commerce, polls, comments, etc).

Our clients watch the site's development through 3 stages and at each stage they are invited to provide feedback and make recommendations.

Once the site is configured, you can then manage it and add content to it via your browser, simply by logging in. The process of creating content is almost identical to the way we write emails in YahooGmail or other web-based email systems.

Joomla web design using off-the-shelf components

An open-source free website design and website content management system, Joomla has the largest support community and the largest repository of extensions (i.e. various functionalities) - all available for download free of charge; it has been in existence for over 10 years and has gone through a number of reviews and clean-ups; and above all - it is also one of the most user-friendly open-source content management systems.

Once your Joomla website has been setup, it takes roughly 30 min to learn how to add and edit content on your website.

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Some of our most recent Joomla design clients:

How we create Joomla websites


  • We will discuss with you what features and functionalities you might need and decide what additional modules and components (i.e. registration form, e-commerce, survey, polls, etc.) to install and configure.

  • We then provide you an estimate on how long it would take us to assemble and customize your site. 

  • If you already have a website but would like to port your content to a new Joomla-based template, we will be happy to do that as part of the project. 

  • If you rather not use a template and would like to have  your own website created from scratch, we'd be happy to do that as well. Whether you are hoping to have fancy product galleries and sliders, funky cartoons or impressive 3D visuals, we would be happy to create them for you together with our partners, at very competitive rates.

  • Custom coding, 3rd-party integration (e.g. Salesforce.com) is optionally available. 

  • It takes between 2 days and 2 months to build a new website, depending on the scale of the project and your requirements.

  • Both Joomla 1.0 and Joomla 1.5 are supported.

Basic Joomla website design includes:

  • Assistance and recommendation  on selecting the most appropriate template

  • Website + Joomla installation & setup
  • Setup of a user-friendly top navigation (dynamic drop-down menus are included)

  • Content porting and presentation

  • Color scheme and font style modifications

  • Color scheme and font style recommendations (if your business is brand new)

  • Beautifully rotating images on the front page that are search engine friendly (not Flash!)

  • Image recommendations and selection (copyright free images)

  • Site search

  • Breadcrumbs

  • Site map

  • Basic SEO (Search engine friendly URIs; Title tags and META tags) - NEW!

  • Installation of two additional custom components (e.g. surveys, polls, etc.)

  • One-hour training on how to use Joomla as a user (for adding/removing pages, uploading images, adding PDFs, etc., not for template customization)

  • Support by phone for the first 2 weeks after launch

  • Recommendation for quality hosting at affordable prices (hosting itself is not provided, but we can refer you to our trusted hosting partners).

  • Additional modules & components can be installed on demand (i.e. Google Analytics tracking, e-commerce, PayPal, advanced image galleries, content rating, etc, etc).

Additional perks:

Call or email us for a free 30-minute Joomla consultation. We will walk you through the process of getting a Joomla website to help you clearly visualize what's involved.

Heck, we will also send you a website design plan for SEO free of charge!

Check out more of our Joomla Website Designs


Search Engine Optimization of a Site

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The search engine optimization (SEO) of a site includes the following:

  • rigorous competitive analysis with subsequent development of a winning strategic plan to gain a strong and lasting competitive advantage

  • thorough keyword analysis using industry leading tools

  • carefully planned optimization of your website page by page for a desired number of pre-defined keywords (URLs, folder structure, file names, META tags, etc)

  • revamping and optimization of existing web content, development of new optimized content, synchronized with the overall look-and-feel of your site

  • thoroughly researched link building campaign, implemented in full accordance with the overall marketing strategy of your company

  • implementation of prompting visual calls to action to maximize the effectiveness of your lead-generation strategies

  • budget-conscious enrolment in paid advertising campaigns with major search engines (such as Google's AdWords and others)

Having been properly implemented once, the SEO of a site begins to produce outstanding results very quickly and continues to bring generous rewards for years afterward.

Factors to Consider before Outsourcing SEO of Your Site

If you are thinking of outsourcing the search engine optimization of your website, there are a few factors that are important to account for before the start of the project. These factors are the following:

  • The amount of work required to successfully optimize your site depends on the type of business you compete in. For highly competitive areas, the process can be time-consuming. Depending on the market value of your keywords, the time required to optimize your website can range from one week to several months or even longer. 

  • Once the work is complete, the SEO results may not become apparent for another few weeks (usually 4-8 weeks). At his time, it is important to start implementing marketing programs to help increase your visibility on the Internet (e.g. Google's AdWords, Overture, etc.), and we help you enroll in these campaigns quickly and cost-effectively.

  • You need to be prepared to make changes to your website. In some cases, these changes can be small while in other cases, they can be quite significant. What needs to be changed and/or added will depend on how ambitious your Web Marketing objectives are and how aggressively you decide to pursue them. We will help you make informed decisions and carefully evaluate your strategies and goals.

  • You need to be prepared to provide as much documentation related to your business as possible, i.e. your white papers, technology overview, product description, PowerPoint presentations, demo scripts, and most importantly, your website copy (i.e. your web content). 

  • You need to ensure cooperation of other members of your team or, in the case of a larger company, other teams or even departments, to help ensure smooth project development and fast results.

How We Start Working on Your SEO Project

As a first step, we conduct an evaluation of your website and its existing search engine positioning. We review your Web Marketing strategies, with particular attention to link building and lead-generation techniques.

We then analyze your main competitors and prepare a detailed report, outlining the strengths and weaknesses of their Web Marketing and Search Engine Optimization strategies. We contrast and compare your competitors with your existing web presence, providing specific optimization recommendations on how to out-position your competition.

For large projects, we provide a report of what is required to bring your site to the highest positioning results for selected keywords and what needs to be implemented to gain a strong and lasting competitive advantage on search engines.

Together with you and/or your team, we help you determine the scope of your SEO project in relation to your sales targets and create an effective road map for your future project.

Paid-Per-Click Campaign Management

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PPC Keyword Advertising Campaigns

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) is a term used in the Web Marketing industry to refer to a class of Internet advertising in which advertisers pay a fee for every click visitors make on their ads.

In other words, paid-per-click or PPC campaigns, or simply PPC, is keyword advertising on search engines and other websites. Because advertisers pay for every click, PPC is often used synonymously with Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and opposed to organic Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of a site.

PPC Search Engines

Currenlty, there are two major paid-per-click (PPC) engines:Google AdWords and Overture. Google AdWords' most significant partner is AOL. Overture, which is now part of Yahoo!, can get you traffic from Yahoo! and MSN.

There are also a number of smaller PPC search engines:

PPC Statistics

According to SEMPO Survey of SEM Industry, spending on paid-per-click (PPC) advertising is up 62%. Advertisers spent a total of $9.4 Billion in 2006. Here is a list of 100 major advertisers.

PPC Benefits

Paid-per-click (PPC) advertising is one of the most effective and quick ways for acquiring customer leads. As a rule, people don't click on ads for no reason. Click fraud is a money-losing issue for advertisers, no doubt about it, but on a broad scale, people click on PPC ads only when they see something they might want. Hence, PPC brings substantial benefits:

  • PPC provides small websites with a chance to be found by customers. In fact, PPC is often the only online channel of revenue for small websites

  • PPC allows you to influence who visits your website, i.e. unlike other means of marketing, PPC instantly puts you in front of your potential customers

  • PPC provides good tracking capabilities, thus allowing you to focus on what is most profitable

  • PPC helps you understand user behaviour and make corresponding improvements to your site, which subsequently helps you acquire more leads

  • PPC spending can be very predictable, since advertisers can set maximum daily spending amounts

  • PPC yields great ROI, if managed properly

PPC Campaign Management Services

Paid-per-click (PPC) campaign management does not need to be a daunting task. It also doesn't have to be very expensive. Our paid-per-click (PPC) services will help you get the most out of your PPC campaigns, making your PPC spending not only very affordable but also highly profitable.

Our PPC services include the following:

  • PPC competitive analysis

  • PPC keyword discovery

  • PPC keyword optimization

  • PPC copywriting

  • PPC campaign setup

  • PPC campaign management

  • PPC synchronization with website analytics

  • PPC conversion tracking and optimization

  • PPC reporting

We use such tools as WordTrackerGoogle AdWord's Keyword Suggestion tool as well as Google Sponsored Links tool and a few other keyword identification tools.

The minimum industry rate for PPC services is $150-200 per month (setup is usually extra). Some companies charge a percentage of your overall PPC spending (between 5% and 15%, depending on the size of the company). Others charge per campaign and/or per number of keywords included within each PPC campaign.

Give us a call to talk about your PPC needs. We offer flexible options for all PPC budgets.

SEO Consulting

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The main objective of our consulting work is not only to help you position your website high on Google and other search engines, but also to help you attract customers through your website. We arm you with time-tested techniques to ensurethat visitors coming to your site through a keyword search on search engines do not stop at reading your pages, but progress as far as filling out your order or registration forms.

Basic SEO Consulting Package

Our basic SEO consulting package covers the following:

  1. Introduction to search engine optimization delivered as a workshop and customized to your particular business needs
  2. Overview of your competition with strategic recommendations on how to out-position even your most aggressive competitors
  3. Review and analysis of your website:

  • Analysis of your business category in relation to your SEO objectives (optional)
  • Analysis of your keywords in relation to your sales targets with subsequent optimization recommendations:
    • Amount of information with keywords
    • Frequency of keywords
    • Keyword positioning (how high)
    • Page Title tag and Metatags
    • Links
  • Analysis of your link building strategy in relation to the overall marketing position of your company
  • Review of your site copy (i.e. site content) with optimization recommendations on how to increase your visitor-to-lead conversion rate, i.e. the number of incoming leads registered through your website
  • Critique of your navigation structure and improvement recommendations on how to maximize its SEO potential
  • Critique of your registration form and analysis of other "calls for action"
  • Independent professional opinion about the look-and-feel of your website to assess your customer focus and boost the visitor-to-lead conversion rate:
    • B2B site vs. consumer-oriented site
    • Small company vs. large company
    • Customer-focused vs. investor-focused
  • Rigorous analysis of your existing Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns with a focus on designing the most effective "calls for action" and maximizing ROI on selected key phrases. If you need to set up a new PPC campaign, we offer comprehensive PPC consulting and management services.

Before meeting with you, we do our homework to provide you with a detailed report, containing point-by-point evaluation of your website from the point of view of its current SEO standing and in relation to your desired SEO goals.

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ft-1(613) 231-6308


ft-3548 Aberfoyle Circle,
Ottawa, Ontario, K2K 3R2